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Touch Our Pets Therapy Dogs (aka TOP Dogs)
complies to all the requirements of a Nonprofit Organisation, with:
- A legal constitution – setting out all the required obligations of the organisation. Download Constitution
- A bank account in the name of TOP Dogs, with 2 out of 3 signatories for any withdrawals
- Public Liability Insurance cover for all dogs, when they’re representing TOP Dogs
- Nonprofit status (registration number 074-086 NPO)
- Public Benefit Organisation status (PBO no. 930034908)
- An Executive Committee – with a minimum of 8 members, including a Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, all area coordinators plus others with various portfolios. Meetings are held regularly with recorded minutes. All policy decisions are made democratically by a majority vote
- An AGM – including a financial report (members can also contact the treasurer to ask to see the accounts at any time), an annual report, and reports from each area coordinator. If any changes to the constitution are required, voting takes place by members present, or by proxy vote. The minutes are distributed to all members who want to receive it
- Financial reports submitted annually to SARS
- All minutes, annual reports, and financial reports along with a narrative report are submitted annually to the Dept. of Social Development. We also have a strict code of conduct that all members agree to adhere to, to ensure standards are kept high
But what we pride ourselves on most, is that we ‘Spread smiles for miles’.
Executive Members
Andreas Lemmerer
Dr Conor Hughes
Vice Chairperson
Cheryl Williams
Francesca Lobetti
Area Coordinators
Jill Thompson
Eastern Cape
Alta Rossouw
Heléne Du Plessis
West Rand
Wendy Carter
Andreas Lemmerer
East Rand
Sarah Bourhill
Western Cape
Other roles
Corrie Niemann
Compliance Officer
Renate Niemann
Evaluation Coordinator
Karen Manikus
Social Media & Marketing